Search Results
GeeCON Prague 2019: Sander Mak - Coding Your Way to Java 13
GeeCON Prague 2019: D. Vyazelenko / H. Kabutz - Enough java.lang.String to Hang Ourselves...
GeeCON Prague 2019: Ondro Mihalyi - Reactive features of MicroProfile you need to learn
GeeCON Prague 2019: Andrey Adamovich - Yamlware and the state machine
GeeCON Prague 2019: Grzegorz Piwowarek - Purely Dysfunctional Data Structures
GeeCON Prague 2019: Julien Dubois - An introduction to JHipster
GeeCON Prague 2019: Hadi Hariri - Welcome to the Machine
GeeCON Prague 2019: Guillaume Laforge - Implementing Webhook backends, not so trivial
Lazer Flip
GeeCON 2018: Jakub Nabrdalik - Improving your Test Driven Development skills in 45 minutes
GraalVM and MicroProfile: A Polyglot Microservices Solution by Roberto Cortez
LiveCast: Diving Into GraphQL